Beyond the Book

Beyond the Book is changing its name to the Velocity of Content podcast. Produced by Copyright Clearance Center, the global leader in content workflow and rights integration, the Velocity of Content podcast will explore issues facing the information content industry and help creative professionals realize the full potential of their works, while encouraging respect for intellectual property and the principles of copyright.

All Episodes

Book Sales Fall Sharply

Future book sales figures will likely fall further as Barnes & Noble also announced layoffs this week.

Ken Doctor Poses Life-or-death Questions For News Business

For those news organizations able to imagine life after COVID-19, long-term prospects are hampered by what Ken Doctor sees as a skills crisis.

Publishing & The Pandemic

We are recognizing, in new ways, how much of daily life that authors and publishers make possible and how much they make life under lockdown bearable.

Healthy Metadata and the EU Copyright Directive

Publishers must maintain clean, reliable metadata for their content, including about authors, institution, license types, and citations.

Juvenile Book Sales Spike in Coronavirus Crisis

“Does this mean we’ve found the floor here? Probably not – the response to this pandemic is still in its early days.”

Coronavirus & The Velocity of Content

Tracking the metrics of scientific innovation in the midst of a global pandemic

A Common Lot: Publishers & Researchers

Scholarly publishers have taken up a range of new approaches to strengthen relationships with researchers

Macmillan Drops Library E-Book Embargo

People are going to realize what libraries already offer digitally, and what they can’t offer digitally, says PW’s Andrew Albanese

Publishers Putting Research & Information To Work Against COVID-19

The novel corona virus that can lead to COVID-19 has given rise to a new, sometimes terrifying vocabulary: Social distancing. Flattening the curve. Super-spreader.

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