Big Gay Fiction Podcast

Hosted ByJeff Adams & Will Knauss

The Big Gay Fiction Podcast is for avid readers and passionate fans of gay romance fiction. Each week we bring you exclusive author interviews, book recommendations and explore the latest in gay pop culture.

Ep 44: Joanna Penn on Author Mindset, GRL Blog Tour With Hans M. Hirschi & More

Jeff opens with a quick recap of this week: finishing edits on Love’s Opening Night, seeing Grey Gardens in L.A., visiting The Ripped Bodice bookstore in Culver City and catching Star Trek Beyond at the movies.

Hans M. Hirschi stops by as part of the Official 2016 GRL Blog Tour and talks about his new book Shorts and the upcoming Jonathan’s Legacy.

Jeff & Will welcome podcaster and indie publishing guru Joanna Penn for part one of her interview about her latest book The Successful Author Mindset. The insightful interview is ideal for both authors and readers as Joanna’s tips are applicable to nearly any career.

Complete shownotes for episode 44, and the chances to enter the Big GRL Blog Tour Giveaway, are at

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