What Should I Read Next?

Hosted ByAnne Bogel

What Should I Read Next? is the show for every reader who has ever finished a book and faced the problem of not knowing what to read next. Each week, Anne Bogel, of the blog Modern Mrs Darcy, interviews a reader about the books they love, the books they hate, and the books they're reading now. Then, she makes recommendations about what to read next. The real purpose of the show is to help YOU find your next read.

Ep 226: Dig in to a feast for your literary senses

As audiobooks have become more available and more popular over the years, they’ve become a bigger part so many of your daily routines. Today Anne chats with everyday expert Leanne Hunt about the history of audiobooks and her decades-long connection with the format. Leanne came looking for book recommendations that explore the inner life of characters, and lush sensory descriptions of setting and expression, so pull out those TBR lists if you are ready to be truly transported.

Click over to the podcast website for the transcript and full list of books mentioned in this episode:http://whatshouldireadnextpodcast.com/226

You can learn more about Leanne’s life and writing at blindhorsewoman.blogspot.com.

Readers you know what we do here. Each week Anne helps a guest (and hopefully some of you) choose your next read. We hope this week you’re planning on making your next read Anne’s new bookDon’t Overthink It–which is out now!

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