Ep 224: Confronting the Bookshelf of Shame
Like many readers, today’s guest Lacey Yong is creative. But her writing hobby is beginning to clash with her book selections, so she came to WSIRN with the question “how do I pick books that inspire me to write, without being too influenced by authors who write in my genre?” It’s a tricky problem, but one we can work through.
Lacey is also ready to tackle the titles on what her husband jokingly calls her “bookshelf of shame.” Longtime listeners, you know Anne has thoughts about that phrasing…
Click over to the podcast website for the transcript and full list of books mentioned in this episode:http://whatshouldireadnextpodcast.com/224
Connect with Lacey Yong on Instagram @lacey.yong!
Readers you know what we do here. Each week I help a guest, and hopefully some of you choose your next read. Well I hope this week you’re planning on making your next read my new book Don’t Overthink It. Don’t Overthink It comes out March 3rd so right now you still have a chance to preorder yourself a copy and snag the bonuses we’ve put together for all those who preorder here.