Ep 14: Sara York Interview & More
Jeff & Will quickly recap last week, including Jeff’s finished first draft and what he’s working on next.
Sara York is this week’s guest and she talks about her most recent release, Holiday Emergencies (part of the Love’s First Response series), as well as the other projects she’s working on for 2016. Other topics include the trademarks of a Sara York book, what her writing process is, how she decides to take one of her books to audio, and why she’s doing burpees at home.
Sara answers last week’s question about 2016 reading goals and asks this week’s: “Is there a series from your favorite author that you’d like to see continue?”
Jeff & Will wrap up the episode by answering that question.
Listeners are invited to send their answers: Tweet us at @BigGayFiction. Leave a comment on this episode’s entry on our Facebook page at facebook.com/biggayfictionpodcast. You can also leave it in the comments for this episode on YouTube or on the website at BigGayFictionPodcast.com. And, of course, you can email it to jeffandwill@biggayfictionpodcast.com. While you’re sending your answer, you can also suggestion a question.
Detailed show notes are available at BigGayFictionPodcast.com