
Overdue is a podcast about the books you've been meaning to read. Join Andrew and Craig each week as they tackle a new title from their backlog. Classic literature, obscure plays, goofy children’s books: they'll read it all, one overdue book at a time.

Ep 004 – The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown

Here on Overdue, it’s definitely not going to be multi-layered critiques of religion and missives on love and cholera every week. Take this book as a case in point—Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code has long been a favorite punching bag of Andrew’s, but in the interest of trying new things and keeping an open mind, he’s giving this decade-old potboiler a try.

His reactions are many and complicated. Join us for a conversation about why pop-lit is, well, popular, whether it’s OK to judge a book by its cover, and some of Dan Brown’s less successful sentences.

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