“Bookaccino Live” Book Group: Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan

Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan joined our “Bookaccino Live” Book Group for a brilliant discussion about their novel, MAD HONEY. Jennifer explains that the idea for the book came to her in a dream that she had in 2017. They talk about their characters and who wrote each, as well as how they worked with one portion of the narrative going forward and another going backward. Jodi is a complete outliner, and they discuss how having this structure allowed them to develop the story with each of them writing on their own. This truly was a partnership throughout the entire process of writing, editing and promoting the book. Jodi and Jennifer also point out that they wanted to tell a story about a person who was transgender but frame it against a much bigger narrative and a mystery.

Book discussed in this episode: 

MAD HONEY by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan:


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Our Latest “Bookaccino Live” Book Group Events:

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Art Credit: Tom Fitzgerald

Edited by Jordan Redd Productions

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