So Many Damn Books

Hosted ByChristopher & Drew

Christopher (@cdhermelin) and Drew (@drewsof) talk about reading, literature, publishing, and trying to make it through their never-dwindling stack of things to read. All with a themed drink in their hands.

Recorded at the Damn Library in Brooklyn, NY. For show info, book lists, and drink recipes, visit

49: Alexandra Kleeman & “Pricksongs and Descants”

Christopher and Drew are joined by returning guest Alexandra Kleeman. They all drink a cocktail named after a character who moonlights in both her short story collection “Intimations” and, maybe, within Robert Coover’s “Pricksongs and Descants.” They discuss being a person-person, talk fiction-fiction, and why puzzle-stories are sometimes best left unrevisited. Amongst other things.

15 seconds of a song: Julien Dore – Les Limites

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