The Worst Bestsellers

Writer Kait and librarian Renata read bestselling books in an attempt to understand their appeal and, barring that, to become the Crow and Servo of the book world. New episodes every other Monday. Visit for our readers advisory booklists and other fun stuff.

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Episode 04.5 – I Didn’t Come Here to Make Friends, Part 2

Listeners, will you accept this bonus episode? Margaret of Two Bossy Dames joins Kait, Renata, and returning guest Stacey to explain The Bachelor to us in this follow-up to our episode about I Didn’t Come Here to Make Friends: Confessions of a Reality …

Episode 04 – I Didn’t Come Here to Make Friends

In this shocking rose ceremony–we mean podcast–three people who have never watched The Bachelor staunchly defend the show’s greatest villain! Kait and Renata are joined by Stacey to discuss I Didn’t Come Here to Make Friends: Confessions of a Reality ……

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