The Worst Bestsellers

Writer Kait and librarian Renata read bestselling books in an attempt to understand their appeal and, barring that, to become the Crow and Servo of the book world. New episodes every other Monday. Visit for our readers advisory booklists and other fun stuff.

All Episodes

Episode 22 – The Target

Kait, Renata, and their guest Nick (@polykinetic) read The Target by David Baldacci. It’s the story of CIA assassins and neo-Nazis and North Korean prison camps, but most of all, it’s the story of the power of maternal love. Actually, … Continue reading →

Episode 21 – City of Bones

Kait, Renata, and Kait’s secret cousin Nicole read City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, because we read all the rest of the Harry Potter fanfiction the internet had to offer. This is a book with something for everyone: vampires, werewolves,

Episode 20 – Disclosure

Kait, Renata, and returning guest Caroline (of Fantastic Fangirls and Panels) read Disclosure by Michael Crichton. It’s the ultimate sci-fi horror story for white men: a woman sexually harasses a man and lies about it, and everyone believes the woman!

Episode 19 – Modelland

Kait, Renata, and returning guest Margaret (one of Two Bossy Dames) read Modelland by America’s Top Author Tyra Banks! It’s a fashionable YA dystopia with 550 pages of text and easily 1000 nonsensical made-up concepts.

Episode 18 – Not Cool

Kait, Renata, and their guest Amy read Not Cool: The Hipster Elite and their War on You by Greg Gutfeld. It’s the idle musings of a Fox News correspondent who hates “cool” things, such as Sean Penn, the environment, and … Continue reading →

Episode 17 – Flowers in the Attic

Kait, Renata, and their guests Sophi and Stacey read (or re-read) Flowers in the Attic by V. C. Andrews. Some of us reflected fondly about furtively reading this in our childhoods, while others of us struggled to understand the appeal … Continue reading →

Episode 16 – Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life

Kait, Renata, and their guest Abby (The Librarian) read Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life by James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts. It’s an unexpectedly dark psychological thriller (of sorts) that made us reflect on our own middle school … Continu…

Episode 15.5 – Fifty Shades of Grey (The Movie)

Renata was snowed in, so she had three lesbians–Kait, returning guest Anna of Bellwether Friends, and internet personality Laura–tell her all about the Fifty Shades of Grey movie. They all agreed: it needed more dick.

Episode 15 – Fifty Shades of Grey

Kait, Renata, and their guest Anna of Bellwether Friends read Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James! Their inner goddesses are all annoyed at how much they felt compelled to defend this book. Sure, it’s unconventional to have a … Continue reading →

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