The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers

Hosted ByJoanna Penn

Information, inspiration and interviews on writing, self-publishing, book marketing and making a living with your writing.

If you need help with writing your book, or you want to learn how to navigate the new world of publishing and book marketing, then join Joanna Penn and her guests every Monday. Also covers the business of being a writer and how to make money with your books.

All Episodes

Embracing Multi-Passionate Creativity And Running A Small Press With Jessica Bell

Some say you can only be successful if you focus on one thing, but what if you are a multi-passionate creative? What if your Muse is inspired to write song lyrics as well as poetry, non-fiction as well as novels and heart-wrenching memoir?

NFTs for Authors And Publishing with John Fox

Why are NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) so exciting for authors and the publishing industry? How will they generate more streams of revenue for creators? What are some ways that authors could use them? All this and more in today’s interview.

Transitioning From An In-Person Business To Online Multiple Streams Of Income With Guy Windsor

The pandemic has favoured digital business models, but how can you transition to online sales when you run an in-person business? How can you move from one stream of income to multiple streams? Guy Windsor has lots of ideas for your author business in …

How To Edit Your Book And The Different Kinds Of Professional Editors With Natasa Lekic

How you can prepare your book before sending it to an editor? What are the different types of edits and editors you can use for different phases of your writing process? When is editing software worth using and when do you really need human eyes on you…

Discovery Writing And Sustaining A Long-Term Writing Career With Patricia McLinn

What is discovery writing (sometimes known as pantsing)? How can you write a novel with structure if you don’t plot in advance? How can you build a writing career for the long-term? All this and more with Patricia McLinn. In the intro,

The Challenges Of A First Novel With James Blatch

What are the challenges of writing a first novel — even when you think you know what you’re doing? How do you define success when you are just starting out on the author journey? James Blatch talks about these questions and more. In the intro,

The Heroine’s Journey with Gail Carriger

What is the heroine’s journey and how can it help you write a story that readers will love? Gail Carriger shares her writing tips in this interview. In the intro, publishing house mergers [Agent Kristin Nelson]; KDP Print in Australia; Bookwire announc…

The AI-Powered Micro-Business with Ash Fontana

Artificial Intelligence is already part of our lives in the tools and services we use every day. As AI development accelerates, how can authors and small businesses use it as leverage to expand income and opportunities?

Tips For Translation, Self-Publishing, And Marketing In Foreign Languages With Nadine Mutas

The book market is saturated for certain genres in digitally mature markets like the US and UK, but readers in other markets are hungry for books. In this episode, Nadine Mutas talks about self-publishing in German,

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