The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers

Hosted ByJoanna Penn

Information, inspiration and interviews on writing, self-publishing, book marketing and making a living with your writing.

If you need help with writing your book, or you want to learn how to navigate the new world of publishing and book marketing, then join Joanna Penn and her guests every Monday. Also covers the business of being a writer and how to make money with your books.

All Episodes

Rediscover Your Creative Free Spirit With Peleg Top

How can you rediscover your creative free spirit if you’re feeling burned out? How can you combine creativity, spirituality and money to experience more in your author life? Peleg Top talks about these things and more in today’s interview.

Writing And Publishing Literary Fiction With Roz Morris

How do you know when the seed of an idea is enough for a novel? What makes literary fiction different from other genres? Roz Morris shares her writing process from idea to the publication of Ever Rest. In the intro, my experience of COVID,

Gentle Book Marketing With Sarah Santacroce

Can book marketing really be gentle, sustainable — and even enjoyable? Sarah Santacroce talks about how to reframe marketing and gives ideas for marketing your books. In the intro, Kindle Vella launches in the US [The Next Web]; A UK report calls for a…

Co-Creating With AI Writing And Image Tools With Shane Neeley

How can co-creating with AI tools enhance your writing process — and make it more fun? Shane Neeley talks about his AI-augmented writing and visual art creations. This futurist show is sponsored by my Patrons at

Writing And Marketing Crime Fiction With Ed James

What are the key elements of a good crime novel? How can you reboot your author career through publishing and marketing changes? Ed James shares insights on his writing craft and author business. In the intro,

From Self-Published Book To A Life-Changing Health Movement With Gin Stephens

Your personal story can change other people’s lives, but only if you get your words into the world. In this episode, Gin Stephens shares how she self-published her first book on intermittent fasting and went on to get a traditional deal for more books,…

Writing Humor And Insights From A Long Term Creative Career With Scott Dikkers

How can you write funny characters and make readers laugh with your writing? Plus the importance of long-term thinking and multiple streams of income when it comes to a career in comedy (or any creative field!).

Writing Fiction With AI. Sudowrite With Amit Gupta

What if you could use an AI writing tool to help you come up with ideas for sensory detail, character descriptions, story twists, and more? Amit Gupta explains how authors can use Sudowrite in this episode. In the intro,

Writing Non-Fiction With Personal Stories with Natalie Sisson

How can you write a useful self-help book with actionable tips, but also bring it to life with personal stories? How can you use a book title to attract your target market? Natalie Sisson shares her experience in writing her latest non-fiction book.

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