Novel Pairings

Welcome to Novel Pairings, a podcast dedicated to making the classics readable, relevant, and fun. Each episode we’ll discuss one classic book and share some recommendations for more contemporary reads that feature similar themes. As two nerdy bookworms, we appreciate the role of classic lit, but we but we won’t get too academic about it. We’ll talk about the books we love and the books we loath, and help stock your TBR pile with old and new reads for every literary taste.

All Episodes

6. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro and books for Downton Abbey fans

Today Chelsey and Sara are chatting about The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. Set in 1954, this Booker Prize winning novel follows a quintessential English butler named Stevens on a road trip to visit his manor’s former housekeeper Miss…

5. English Major Lingo and getting academic with the feminist and gender lens

Today Chelsey and Sara dig  up some well-loved English major lingo and dust it off. We’re talking about critical theory and how it enhances our reading lives, starting with the feminist or gender lens. We provide examples and suggestions for…

4. Comforting Classics and other absorbing reads

Today Chelsey and Sara are toppling your TBR with classics and pairings to keep you company during the pandemic. Comfort reading is different for everyone, so we’ve got a wide range of books to recommend including books with cozy communities,…

3. The Awakening by Kate Chopin and books that feature feminine self-discovery

Today Chelsey and Sara are chatting about . This novella published in 1899 follows Edna Pontellier as she discovers her desires and her identity outside of wifehood and motherhood. Our discussion includes how this book illustrates the constraints…

2. The New Emma Movie and our favorite Austen adaptations

Today Chelsey and Sara are chatting about the new Emma movie directed by Autumn de Wilde. In this sparkling new film adaptation, Emma is just as snarky and delightful as she is in the book. Our discussion includes us gushing over the vivid colors and…

1. Emma by Jane Austen and our favorite modern romantic heroines

In this episode, we’re discussing Jane Austen’s final novel, Emma. We admit our love for Emma’s sass and bossiness, debate her potentially problematic friendship with the orphan Harriet Smith, and swoon over Mr. Knightley. Plus we’re offering six…

0. Introducing Novel Pairings, a podcast dedicated to making the classics readable, relevant, and fun

Welcome to Novel Pairings, a podcast dedicated to making the classics readable, relevant, and fun. In this welcome episode, Chelsey and Sara introduce themselves and the podcast format, and share exactly what they mean by “pairings.”

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