Medieval Death Trip

On Medieval Death Trip, we feature a selected medieval text (often historical, occasionally literary) that touches on the odd, the gruesome, the unexpected, and similarly curious incidents, images, or ideas. In addition to presenting the text itself, each episode features commentary and musings upon that text.

All Episodes

MDT Episode 27: Concerning Another Take on the Love of Edgar and Aelfthryth

On this episode, get a different version of the story of Edgar’s love for the married Aelfthryth, this time in a blending of history with courtly romance from Gaimar’s...

MDT Episode 26: Concerning the Problematic Passions of King Edgar

On this episode, we take one more step backwards in history from last time and look at some scandalous behavior from King Edgar the Peaceful as described by William...

MDT Episode 25: Concerning the Deaths of Edgar and Edward in Triptych

On this episode, we look at one moment in history from three different sources — the deaths of King Edgar and his short-reigned heir, Edward the Martyr. Sources featured:...

MDT Episode 24: How Edward Put His Mother to the Ordeal

It’s our (shortly after) Mother’s Day episode, in which we learn from Edward the Confessor how not to treat one’s mother and investigate a connection between The Song of...

MDT Episode 23: Concerning Some Scandalous Priests, a Sainted Astrologer, and the Dove of Death

This episode, we return to the Lanercost Chronicle for some examples of clergy behaving in some unclergylike ways, with a particular look at the decline and fall of clerical...

MDT Episode 22: Concerning Elfred the Bone-Hunter

On this episode, we look at a couple of diggers of relics: first, Elfred (or Aelfred or Alfred), who brought the relics of the Venerable Bede to Durham Cathedral;...

MDT Episode 21: A New Year’s Chimera

After much delay, Medieval Death Trip is back to ring in 2016 (just not on the conventional date for New Year’s Day) with a very special episode. What would...

MDT Episode 20: Concerning Trouble with the Inmates of Dale Abbey

We celebrate the Winter Solstice with a return to the Chronicle of Dale Abbey, where attempts to capitalize on the Hermit’s Dale don’t go smoothly.

MDT Episode 19: Concerning the Hermit of the Dale

This episode, Thanksgiving is making us feel a bit nostalgic about home comforts, so we look at the story of the Hermit of the Dale from the Chronicle of...

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