Love Letters

Hosted ByMeredith Goldstein

A single, burning question about love and relationships, every season. Explored through stories. Hosted by Boston Globe advice columnist Meredith Goldstein.

All Episodes

Changing Your Stars

Can moving to a new place change you? Consider the story of Kelly, from Western Australia, who never quite fit in around her small hometown – before, during, or after her marriage. She says she was the victim of Tall Poppy Syndrome; as she strived to grow taller and more beautiful, everyone wanted to chop her down. What was the fix? Moving to one of the most beautiful places in the world (Italy). Kelly explains how leaving town changed her – and her relationship with her ex-husband! – in this episode about how where we live affects our ability to be our best selves.

My Clown Era

When 25-year-old Funmi’s mother gets sick after a medical emergency, Funmi undergoes a transformation – from child to caretaker overnight. As she tries to regain her sense of self after the experience, she never expects that it will take a bit of clowning around to help her heal, laugh, and, eventually, find love.

Season 10 Trailer: Can People Change?

In Season 10 of Love Letters, host and advice columnist Meredith Goldstein explores whether people can change… in life, love, and relationships. Can old dogs learn new tricks? Can a troubled relationship improve over time? Can we be better to each other – and ourselves? Season 10 launches January 14.

Globe Summit Relationships

Last March, Somerville passed a first-of-its-kind ordinance protecting non-monogamous couples from discrimination. In a ‘Love Letters’ live podcast recording, host and columnist Meredith Goldstein interviews a few of the changemakers who made it happen about what this ordinance and other public policy changes might mean for the future of relationships in Massachusetts and beyond.

Bonus Episode: BEATING BURNOUT with Emily Nagoski Connects Sex and Stress

A bonus episode from Boston Globe podcast Say More with Shirley Leung. Sex educator Emily Nagoski didn’t set out to be an expert on stress. But it turns out, stress is affecting peoples’ sex lives, big time. After helping her sister Amelia through two life-threatening burnout episodes, the two got together to write a book about the science of stress and how it leads to burnout. For them, the journey to understanding stress became a deeper quest for sisterhood and meaning. Emily talks to Shirley about completing the stress cycle, the problem with self-care, and the connections between stress, sleep, and orgasm. Email us at

Can you give us some help?

Love Letters is getting ready for next season — and it’s going to be good! You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You might move to Italy. It’ll all be explained. In the meantime, can you help us better ourselves? Please take this survey. I wrote most of it myself! We want to know how to better entertain, serve, and give you *great* stuff. It’ll be quick, I promise. Again, find it here: See you soon. – Meredith

Brooke: This Is Not Reality (from the Last Day podcast)

In this guest episode from the podcast “Last Day,” host Stephanie Wittels Wachs shares the story of Brooke, who had the best and worst days of her life within a couple months of each other. The whiplash from the bliss of her wedding day to the reality of mourning rocked Brooke to her core. She had to learn how to treasure the memories while sitting in the worst suffering she’d ever felt. Find more episodes of “Last Day” at

S9E15: The Power of Story

In the final episode of a season all about help, Meredith sits down with students from the writing and publishing organization 826 Boston, which just released a new book — called “What if the World Needs You?”— that’s full of advice and life lessons for young people. Also, Meredith’s producers surprise her with a collection of stories from her friends and loved ones about times she has helped them in ways large and small. Email us at You can also send relationship questions to Meredith and sign up for Love Letters updates by texting 617-744-7007.

S9E14: Fly Me to the Moon

As The Boston Globe’s travel writer, Chris Muther has gotten very good at navigating the planet alone. But he wasn’t always this way. It took years, through multiple relationships, for him to gain the independence necessary to thrive on his own — and be a better partner. How he got to this more confident place is a long, winding story that involves some of the most beautiful places in the world. Email us at You can also send relationship questions to Meredith and sign up for Love Letters updates by texting 617-744-7007.

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