Book Squad Goals

Looking for a book club but don't have time to squeeze real-life meetings into your schedule? Join Book Squad Goals, a bi-weekly podcast about—you guessed it—books, plus all the garbage pop culture we consume when we’re not reading (that’s what our “othersodes” are for!). While you’re paying attention, check out our website & blog at, where we have weekly posts about books, pop culture, and probably our pets. We love our pets.

All Episodes

BSG #26: Is Eggplant A Berry? / Fruit of the Drunken Tree

The #BookSquad takes a shady trip to 1990s Colombia this week as we discuss “Fruit of the Drunken Tree” by Ingrid Rojas Contreras. We talk about the historical fiction genre, trauma and violence, womanhood, and the relationship between the book’s two…

Othersode #25: What’s a cat? / Captain Marvel!

The #BookSquad crash lands on planet C-53, aka Earth in the mid-90s, to talk about “Captain Marvel,” the newest origin story movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We discuss where this movie fits in the MCU, how it works as trauma narrative, the…

BSG #25: Asexual Baiting / The Gunners

Feel like a townie with us as we go to Lackawanna, NY for a strange reunion of a group of childhood friends in Rebecca Kauffman’s novel, The Gunners. We talk about revealing secrets, character development, the problems with Mikey, and whether people…

Othersode #24: Begging to be Poked / #BOOKSQUADGAMES

Things get downright whimsical this week as the #BookSquad plays Magical Fury with special guest Todd! Join Becky, Kitty, Heather and Hook at North Bay High School as they encounter a ~strange happening~ and transform into magical girls to battle with…

BSG #24: Pop It Back Up / The Power

What if women all across the world were suddenly given the power of electricity? The Book Squad entertains this question and so many more as they dive into Naomi Alderman’s speculative alternate history novel “The Power.” Get ready, because we’re…

Othersode #23: The Worst Game of F, Marry, Kill / My Brilliant Friend

Come with the #BookSquad on a not-so-luxurious European vacation to 1950s postwar Naples, Italy to discuss the HBO series My Brilliant Friend. We talk female friendship (and frenemy-ship), toxic masculinity, and the show’s (forgive us) brilliant…

BSG #23: Banana Word Cloud / Girls Burn Brighter

Finish 2018 the right way: with the story of a powerful friendship and #squadgoals. In our final episode of the year, the Squad discusses “Girls Burn Brighter” by Shobha Rao. We talk about the novel’s themes, including grief, light/dark, and hope, as…

Othersode #22: Drink Every Time We’re Self-Congratulatory / Favorites of 2018

It’s time for our second annual End-of-the-Year celebration here at the Book Squad Goals clubhouse. Grab a hot cuppa tea and/or a tall glass of wine and party with us as we go through our favorite things of 2018. And then… we open presents! Sorry,…

BSG #22: Speaking Up On Behalf of Brunch / Little Fires Everywhere

Come with us to the idyllic community of Shaker Heights, Ohio for our discussion of “Little Fires Everywhere” by Celeste Ng. We discuss whether the novel is character- or plot-driven, which characters were most effective, why the book is set in the…

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