The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers

Hosted ByJoanna Penn

Information, inspiration and interviews on writing, self-publishing, book marketing and making a living with your writing.

If you need help with writing your book, or you want to learn how to navigate the new world of publishing and book marketing, then join Joanna Penn and her guests every Monday. Also covers the business of being a writer and how to make money with your books.

Writing Action Adventure Fiction And Systems Thinking With Nick Thacker

The life of a full-time independent author involves wearing many hats. You have to balance your time between learning your craft and pleasing readers with great books, as well as publishing, book marketing, and building a business that will support you for the long-term. In today’s interview, Nick Thacker talks about the key aspects of […]

The post Writing Action Adventure Fiction And Systems Thinking With Nick Thacker first appeared on The Creative Penn.

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