Othersode #93: My Demon Totoro / The Blackcoat’s Daughter with Paul Tremblay

Special guest Paul Tremblay (author of The Cabin at the End of the World, Survivor Song, and the forthcoming Horror Movie) joins the Squad to talk about one of our favorite underrated horror films, The Blackcoat’s Daughter (2017). We talk about the movie’s unique take on possession, the performances, the (somewhat controversial?) ending, and the dangers of having Spring Break in February. Then we chat with Paul about his new novel, Horror Movie! Don’t worry – there are no spoilers in this interview, so you can listen before you read it. And we DO recommend you read it because we all loved it. You don’t want to miss this fun conversation! Our next Bookpisode will be about Come and Get It by Kiley Reid (June 11), and our next Othersode is a very special pre-maternity leave/baby shower episode where Mary gets to pick an unhinged thing for us all to talk about (June 25)! Please consider supporting us on Patreon and leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! And pre-order Horror Movie, on sale June 11th.

:30 – Welcome, Paul! And icebreaker
13:00 – Movie intro
14:32 – What makes this possession story special?
20:30 – Performances
32:38 – The ending and how it has been interpreted
41:31 – Overall thoughts on the movie…and why were they going on break in February?
51:00 – Paul talks all things Horror Movie! (Spoiler free!) 
1:34:34 – What’s on the blog? What’s up next?

Unfriended episode: https://www.booksquadgoals.com/blog/othersode-14-unfriended
House of the Devil episode: https://www.booksquadgoals.com/blog/pizza-is-satanic-clay-mcleod-chapman
Emily’s original review of The Blackcoat’s Daughter: https://www.booksquadgoals.com/blog/10-weeks-of-spooktober-the-blackcoats-daughter-week-7-of-10?rq=blackcoat
Vulture ‘ending explained’: https://www.vulture.com/2017/03/blackcoats-daughter-ending.html

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