Sarah’s Bookshelves Live

Hosted BySarah Dickinson

Sarah’s Bookshelves Live is a weekly show featuring real talk about books and book recommendations from a featured guest. Each week, Sarah of the blog Sarah’s Bookshelves will talk with her guest about:


I’m getting real about all things books and serving you up a bit of snark on the side.

Ep. 30: Southern Books with Deb & Amy of Bless Your Heart Book Club

In Episode 30, Deb and Amy from the Bless Your Heart Book Club join me to talk Southern literature…and obviously a heavy dose of Pat Conroy!

 This post contains affiliate links, through which I make a small commission when you make a purchase (at no cost to you!).


  • Our extensive thoughts on Pat Conroy.
  • Our first memories of loving Southern literature.
  • Deb and I’s differing opinions of overwrought, intricate writing.
  • Our favorite types of Southern lit.
  • A couple of our favorite Southern books that aren’t by Pat Conroy.
  • Deb’s love for William Faulkner.
  • How it feels to read and review a friend’s book.
  • A real life precursor to the book mobile.
  • Deb and Amy disagree with each other about both of their “books they didn’t like.”

Amy and Deb’s Book Recommendations

Two OLD Books They Love

Two NEW Books They Love

Two Books They DIDN’T Love

Two NEW RELEASES They’re Excited About

Other Books Mentioned

Other Links

The Bless Your Heart Book Club


Deb and Amy discovered a common passion for Southern writing after meeting  on Bookstagram.  Their goal is to share Southern voice, setting and authors, with readers who join in their monthly book club.

About Deb


Deb is an adopted Texan, having lived there for just 3 years.  She is originally from metropolitan Boston, spent 15 years in Vermont and 10 in New York before heading South.  She is happiest when surrounded by her many animals and family. She loves spending time in the barn with her horse Sterling (who many of you know from her stories) and cycling is her go-to hobby. Professionally, she is a college admissions counselor. 

About Amy


Amy is a North Carolina native who reads her way through all the genres.  At the end of the day, Southern Fiction will always hold her heart. She currently lives in the Piedmont with her husband, two sons and three dogs.  Try to pick which is her favorite….spoiler…it’s the dogs.

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