Big Gay Fiction Podcast

Hosted ByJeff Adams & Will Knauss

The Big Gay Fiction Podcast is for avid readers and passionate fans of gay romance fiction. Each week we bring you exclusive author interviews, book recommendations and explore the latest in gay pop culture.

Ep 248: Heart2Heart Volume 4 with Leslie Copeland, Pandora Pine & Piper Scott

The guys announce the Big Gay Fiction Book Club selection for July: Mr. Frosty Pants by Leta Blake.

Continuing the Christmas in July theme, Jeff and Will review Love Happens Anyway by RJ Scott. Jeff also reviews Sticky Fingers by Davidson King.

Jeff is joined by Leslie Copeland, Pandora Pine and Piper Scott to talk about the fourth edition of the Heart2Heart Charity Anthology. Leslie has the scoop on the origin of the popular series and how it took a paranormal twist for the first time. Pandora, Piper and Jeff talk about their stories and what it was like working with the prompts from readers. Pandora and Piper also have details on what’s coming up next for them.

Complete shownotes for episode 248 along with a transcript of the interview are at

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