Big Gay Fiction Podcast

Hosted ByJeff Adams & Will Knauss

The Big Gay Fiction Podcast is for avid readers and passionate fans of gay romance fiction. Each week we bring you exclusive author interviews, book recommendations and explore the latest in gay pop culture.

Ep 200: Milestone Celebration, RWA & Broadway Recap

This week Jeff & Will celebrate the 200th episode of the podcast and announce the launch of a brand new show, Big Gay Author Podcast.

The guys review the Broadway productions they saw during their recent New York City trip, including King Kong, The Cher Show, Frankie & Johnny in the Clair de Lune, The Prom, Be More Chill, Beetlejuice, Pretty Woman: The Musical, Tootsie, Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! and Moulin Rouge: The Musical.

The 2019 Romance Writers of America National Conference is also discussed, including the romance podcaster panel, RWA’s diversity initiatives and the RITA Awards. Powerful speeches delivered from the RITA stage by Radclyffe and LaQuette are featured as part of the recap.

Complete shownotes for episode 200 are at

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