What Should I Read Next?

Hosted ByAnne Bogel

What Should I Read Next? is the show for every reader who has ever finished a book and faced the problem of not knowing what to read next. Each week, Anne Bogel, of the blog Modern Mrs Darcy, interviews a reader about the books they love, the books they hate, and the books they're reading now. Then, she makes recommendations about what to read next. The real purpose of the show is to help YOU find your next read.

Ep 155: When stolen audible credits spur a beautiful bookish relationship

Today’s guests ask Anne to bridge the divide between an imaginative-fiction lover and a scientific-NONfiction lover. Ashley and Brent are a father-daughter reading duo who share an Audible account and a love for an untold story.

Anne, Ashley, and Brent cover everything from Ashley’s mega-popular most HATED book, how they survive differing tastes to make reading a family affair, and the story of who stole whose Audible credits…

Click over to the podcast website for a list of books mentioned in this episode, and leave a comment telling us what YOU think Ashley and Brent should read together next:http://whatshouldireadnextpodcast.com/155

Follow Ashley’s reading life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bigworld_books

Apply to be a guest on WSIRN:http://whatshouldireadnextpodcast.com/guest

Join the Modern Mrs. Darcy book club atwww.members.modernmrsdarcy.com

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