Big Gay Fiction Podcast

Hosted ByJeff Adams & Will Knauss

The Big Gay Fiction Podcast is for avid readers and passionate fans of gay romance fiction. Each week we bring you exclusive author interviews, book recommendations and explore the latest in gay pop culture.

Ep 12: Poppy Dennison Interview & Question of the Week

Jeff and Will remind everyone of the multi-author giveaway going on to support Eric Arvin (the giveaway includes signed paperbacks for Jeff’s Hat Trick trilogy). 

The guys also give some listener responses to last week’s question (all the answers received can be found in the show notes).

Dreamspinner Press’ Marketing Director and author Poppy Dennison is welcomed to the podcast to discuss the origin of the new Dreamspun Desires line, which debuts on New Years Day, as well as what readers can expect from the line. Poppy also talks about her latest book, Dogwood Days (book on in the Holly Creek series), and her plans for 2016, which includes writing a Dreamspun Desires book and continuing the Holly Creek series. She also answers this week’s question of the week about her favorite 2015 reads, and provides the question for this episode.

The guys wrap up by answering the Question of the Week: “What is your favorite gay romance that has a kid in it?”

Listeners are invited to send their answers: Tweet us at @BigGayFiction. Leave a comment on this episode’s entry on our Facebook page at You can also leave it in the comments for this episode on YouTube or on the website at And, of course, you can email it to While you’re sending your answer, you can also suggestion a question. 

Detailed show notes are available at

Happy New Year!

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