The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers

Hosted ByJoanna Penn

Information, inspiration and interviews on writing, self-publishing, book marketing and making a living with your writing.

If you need help with writing your book, or you want to learn how to navigate the new world of publishing and book marketing, then join Joanna Penn and her guests every Monday. Also covers the business of being a writer and how to make money with your books.

Creativity, Business, And Ambition With Emily Kimelman

How can you juggle full-time writing and a family? How can you manage ambition about adventure and travel with a desire to be a 7-figure author? How can you be both creative and a business-person? I talk about all this and more in today’s wide-ranging interview with Emily Kimelman. In the introduction, The Authors Guild, […]

The post Creativity, Business, And Ambition With Emily Kimelman first appeared on The Creative Penn.

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