Your prayers have been answered! A tattooed, queer nun is here to save the day! Join the Squad as we chat about Margot Douaihy’s debut novel, Scorched Grace. We talk about the novel’s genre play, Sister Holiday’s uniqueness, Douaihy’s writing style, and what we would like to see out of this series. Next up on our Othersode on 5/30 is Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret with special guest Annika Klein. Read along for our next Bookpisode about Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson on 6/13. Send feedback on any episode to!
:30 – Hello and welcome!
8:56 – Book intro and spoiler alert
10:53 – How does the genre work here?
20:00 – Sister Holiday isn’t like other nuns
49:10 – The actual mystery!
56:29 – Writing style
1:00:45 – Would you read the sequel?
1:06:45 – Ratings
1:09:20 – What’s on the blog? What’s up next?