BCL Chat: What’s Your Favorite Adaptation?
As we prep for our first birthday celebration (whoop! whoop!), we asked you what your favorite adaptation of a book was. We share your responses, and also have a really passionate discussion about how everyone has been messing up lately. Listen in!
Thanks to @thisonevanessa, @chanellshorter, @charelliam, @LocPressedBooks, @ellisromance and @Everywoman98 for taking part in this month’s chat!
Don’t forget: We’re celebrating our first birthday with the lovely ladies at @MochaGirlsRead! We’re going to record a special collab episode with them and have a virtual movie night/live Tweet session on Twitter.
We asked you to vote on which book-turned-movie you wanted featured. Your pick? Queen Sugar! Visit the Mocha Girls Read website, enter the special code and you’ll have a chance to win a copy of Queen Sugar and a $5 Amazon gift card. Thanks, ladies!
- “Getting In and Out,” by Zadie Smith for Harper’s Magazine
- “In Defense of Cultural Appropriation,” New York Times