Black Chick Lit

Hosted ByDanielle & Mollie

Black Chick Lit is a twice-monthly podcast that talks books by and for black women. Join Dani and Mollie as they talk prose, drink wine and laugh at their own jokes.

BCL Chat: We Survived (and Thrived in) 2019

We can’t believe it, dear readers, but we’ve made it through another year of reading, podcasting and doing both while black. The twitter dramas! The plagiarism scandals! The nacho cheese!

We take a look back and reflect on all the books read and craziness wrought in 2019. Which titles did we love this year? Which did we think was worse: Addicted or The Wedding Date? What was our favorite BCL episode of the year? Listen in and find out.

Do you have a suggestion for a future #BCLChat? Email us at or tweet us at @blackchicklit. And don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe to Black Chick Lit on iTunes.

And don’t forget: January is Urban Fic month! Want to pick this year’s title? Join us on Patreon for only $2 a month and gain exclusive podcast voting rights.

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