So Many Damn Books

Hosted ByChristopher & Drew

Christopher (@cdhermelin) and Drew (@drewsof) talk about reading, literature, publishing, and trying to make it through their never-dwindling stack of things to read. All with a themed drink in their hands.

Recorded at the Damn Library in Brooklyn, NY. For show info, book lists, and drink recipes, visit

120: Back to School

Christopher and Drew enjoy a fall-tinged cocktail and get wistful about going back to school. Christopher’s mom’s new library prompts a discussion of all types of books you read for school, from the chores to the books from the canon that meant something to the books we ought to call our anti-canon.

Chime in! Please tweet, instagram, email us, and tell us your own personal additions to the canon.


for drink recipes, book lists, and more, visit:

music: Disaster Magic


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