So Many Damn Books

Hosted ByChristopher & Drew

Christopher (@cdhermelin) and Drew (@drewsof) talk about reading, literature, publishing, and trying to make it through their never-dwindling stack of things to read. All with a themed drink in their hands.

Recorded at the Damn Library in Brooklyn, NY. For show info, book lists, and drink recipes, visit

101: Sjón (CODEX:1962) & Christian Kracht’s THE DEAD

All the way from Iceland, Sjón joins the guys in a Damn Library annex, aka the FSG offices. The conversation ranges from ghosts to unicorns, from golems to Frankensteins, from self-representation to translation, as they discuss the maximalist, fabulist fable Codex:1962. They also talk Christian Kracht’s The Dead, the light and the dark, and the wisdom/folly of using historical figures, amongst other subjects.


for drink recipes, book lists, and more, visit:

music: Disaster Magic


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